Welcome To

Indochinese Aged Care Services

Our Services

Indochinese Aged Care Services provides different central dining room where residents can have a pleasurable time during their meals and spacious lounge rooms provide residents with the opportunity to have quiet times when required. Furthermore there are many other rooms such as physiotherapy room, exercise room, consultation room, prayer room, treatment room, laundry room etc.

Person- Centred Care

Cater to the Cultures

Leisure and Lifestyle

Indochinese Aged Care Services

Indochinese Aged Care Services is a Charitable Organisation, funded by the Commonwealth Government

The Facility was established to meet culturally specific needs of the aged population from Cambodia, China, Laos, Vietnam and South East Asia Countries. Indochinese Aged Care Facility features a large open building with 88 secure
and homelike modern rooms with ensuite. This provides an atmosphere that enhances comfort, convenience, security and well being for each of our residents. Each room is well designed with sliding glass doors to garden areas.
Our secure landscaped garden area provides an outlook that has beautiful scented flowers as well as a fish pond to motivate the residents and let them enjoy their time living here.Our Facility has easy access to the public
transport and the shops. All of our staff are of Chinese or Indochinese heritage and are therefore able to communicate easily with residents. They are also aware of their specific cultural and care needs. Our ambition is to
be flexible and responsive to our resident’s changing needs and we go out of our way to be as helpful as possible to ensure optimum quality of life.

Our Vision:

We will ensure that Indochinese Aged Care Services continues to maintain its philosophy and values of the organisation by:

  • Being a financially viable enterprise.
  • Seeking to operate within continuous quality improvement principals to better our care.
  • Being an equal opportunity employer who is also an employer of choice.
  • Ensuring we regularly maintain compliance to all areas.
  • Being an integral part of our community.

Our Mission:

Is to provide our consumers with a high standard of quality health care in a safe and homelike environment that promotes freedom of choice, respect and compassion in a culturally appropriate setting.

Our Values:

  • Respect for all
  • Professional development
  • Justice, dignity and equality for consumers
  • Strong work ethic
  • Fair and safe workplace
  • Ties with the community

Call us on 612 8786 1888

Give us a call to understand more about our services or if you need more specific information.

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    Our Events & Notices

    2024 Chinese New Year

    Last month, our facility celebrated the Chinese New Year with a bang!...

    20th Anniversary Char

    On September 22, the Golden Palace Restaurant in Cabramatta hosted the...

    International Tour of

    We are bubbling with excitement as our very own Indochinese Aged...