When you find it difficult to manage with day-to-day living activities, you may realise you need help, there are many different types of aged care services available to support and cater to your needs.
You may also speak with your GP or another care provider about whether you need to consider accessing aged care home.
IF YES, first of all, you may first need to meet with a member of an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) by visiting their website at My Aged Care and be assessed. An ACAT team member can talk to you about the kind of services you need and approve you for that care.
Please note that the best way to find out if an aged care home suits you is by visiting a range of aged care homes.
Please call 1800 200 422 or visit www.myagedcare.gov.au
When transitioning to a Residential Aged Care Facility, there are three main costs that could be relevant. These costs are determined by the Australian Government and are based on your Income & Assets Assessment.
For further details, please visit the following link: Aged care home costs and fees